The Franchise Concept of the 21st century!
Graffiti Café will be a "Hot Potato" all over Sweden.
With a focused and forceful marketing Graffiti Café will become a natural part of most city and shopping centers.
Within a five year period our goal is to have a Graffiti Café in 50 locations in Sweden.
The Fast Food customer is looking for healthy and well tasting alternatives. With 30 years of experience, this is something Graffiti Café can offer.
The demand for Fast Food is increasing and we have a unique opportunity to take advantage of our knowledge and experience.
Graffiti Café has a given place in most shopping centers across Sweden as well as internationally.
The shopping center model has great development potential with a more forceful marketing strategy.
In addition there is a substantial market in all urban centers with a population over 15,000 inhabitants. Most of our units are today located in city centers, in high street locations with outdoor serving possibilities during the summer.
Investment opportunities.
In order to take advantage of the development opportunities, we are currently seeking expansion capital through different channels. An important quality in a potential business partner is a well developed network in the property market..

Our expansion has started and we currently have 2 new locations under negotiation. In 2015 we expect to open 3 new locations in the Southern part of Sweden. In addition we have inquiries from a number of countries internationally including the United States, the UK, Poland, the Middle East, Holland and several others. Our ambitions go beyond Sweden.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our expansion in Sweden you are welcome to contact us through our contact form to our development manager.
The Franchise Concept of the 21st century;
logo spc logo
Designed by: SittNer-Webbdesign
Facts about Graffiti Café !
  • 1985 First Café opened in Kristianstad.
  • 1987 First Franchise unit opened.
  • 2013 13 Graffiti Café.
  • Sales/year appr 60 million SEK.
  • Potato sales/year - 800 tons.
  • Over 1 million freshly oven baked potatoes per year.
  • Graffiti Café is like the sun in the sky and the dot over the i.....